Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Awesome by Association | YoYo

Yoyojam phenom
Eric Koloski | YoYo
You like YoYo's?

Meet Eric Koloski and the new Diamondback YoYo.


YoYo's are one of the coolest toys in the world. They transition well from childhood to teenage and even adulthood. They pack easy, travel well, are totally customizable and can be found in a ton of worldwide countries. 

They take lots of practice to get as awesome as Eric but man is it worth it!

Show some of you cool YoYo tricks in the the comments section below, lets see whos got skills in their video! 

(Keep it classy, and positive!)

Author: Bryan Fulton is going to take you on a journey to meet some of the "World's Most Awesome People" in this new blog series: Awesome by Association. Get up close and personal as he brings you inside the minds and experiences of some truly unique cats! To make some suggestions or contact Bryan to showcase your awesomeness email Bryan@BryanFulton.com. Get @ me bro!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kate Upton UnFriended !

Kate Upton Unfriended
Interesting Guy | Bryan Fulton

Would the real Kate Upton please stand up!

That's right I unfriended Kate Upton on Facebook!

Who Unfriends S.I. Model Kate Upton?

You never know who someone is online right? Well I assumed Facebook would be different. I assumed when Kate Upton friend requested me on the social media oober site that it was the real deal. I'm a pretty awesome guy, hell I'm the Most Interesting Guy I Know for crying out loud. 

My Crew!

My usual posse includes at any given time one of the world strongest men, an FBI agent, a casino manager, and or a Bond girl so a swimsuit model wanting to be my Facebook Friend was a no-brainer.

Deuces Kate Upton Unfriended
Deuces Fake Kate Deuces

Who UnFriended Kate Upton? ... This Guy

What saddens me the most is not that it turns out it was not the real Kate Upton but rather what the mystery poster behind the phony profile is going to think and feel when they realize that I unfriended them. In the words of the great Austin Powers I offer this phrase to sum up my sympathy "Poor little bugga." 

Kate Upton Bikini
Kate Upton Bikini

I guess we can all move on now knowing where everybody stands and I can get back to my interesting life ... this just in Katheryn Hudson Perry just requested my friendship maybe I'll give her a shout!

Author: Bryan Fulton, Everywhere I go people always say man you are "the most interesting guy I know" or you should write a book. I know that sounds conceited and I do have a bit of an ego at times, but this is my life and these are my stories, ideas, and posts. I grew up in Dundalk, MD. I went to a performing arts high school. I graduated with honors. I was accepted to Ringling Bros. Clown College. I traveled nationally and internationally with Ringling for 6 years.  I moved to Las Vegas, NV. I became a blackjack dealer. I got married and had 2 kids. I continued to perform on and off the strip. I moved to Myrtle Beach, SC. I co-founded All Star Talent, inc with my wife. I founded Bullet Point Branding. I'm writing about it all! Connect with me on Google+

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